Newgrove Blog
The Importance of Location Analytics in Retail Expansion
'If you build it, they will come' is strategically speaking rather wishful thinking and has inevitably resulted in many underperforming, if not failing, businesses. It ignores the importance of location analysis, an integral part of any strategic retail expansion...
Using Location Analytics to Integrate Retail Branches
The success or failure of retail branches can come down to their knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of the local cultures of a particular area. Understanding the local demographics and particularities of the local ‘proto-type’ customer can go a long way towards...
The Importance of Location in The Hospitality Industry
Customers choose hotels that suit their needs best, even if this requires certain compromises. Some customers value location above everything else and are willing to pay that little bit extra; some put a greater emphasis on facilities offered by the hotel itself and...
An Introduction to Market Segmentation
Market segmentation - breaking down the pool of all (potential) customers into specific groups - has two key benefits. First of all, it leads to a better informed marketing focus on people who are more likely to become customers. Secondly, it highlights particular...
Critical Items on The Business Relocation Checklist
There are a number of reasons why a business may need to relocate. Business growth, changing products or shifting economies, amongst others, play a part in a business's decision to move. As a business weighs up the reasons to relocate, a primary concern has to be how...