Newgrove Blog

Smarter Location Based Marketing

Smarter Location Based Marketing

In this digital age you would almost believe some traditional advertising channels were all but dead, however the digital age has enhanced the effectiveness of these traditional channels by adding greater relevance to them. The ability to use location intelligence...

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Visualising Your Data

Visualising Your Data

The mass of rich and meaningful data being produced is growing at an astonishing rate, the ability to understand and monetise it is the challenge we all face. To some, the mention of data makes their eyes glaze over with the thought of numerous disparate spreadsheets...

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How Marketers Utilise Location Intelligence

How Marketers Utilise Location Intelligence

Businesses have developed personas and segmented their customers for a long time, however how many are actually utilising location intelligence data? With the mobile enabled environment customers now enjoy, the location component of data offers even more insight that...

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Data Driven Franchising

Data Driven Franchising

Investing in a franchise looks an attractive proposition to give professionals the chance to build their own business utilising an already established brand. As with any business the challenge still is to be profitable and grow. Investing in a franchise is not cheap,...

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A Data Driven Smarter City

A Data Driven Smarter City

The smart city is perhaps the ultimate example of data driven technology improving people's daily lives. But let's remember that the whole point of the Internet is that it gives everyone an equal opportunity, so we need smart technology benefits to help people...

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Still Using Your Loyalty Cards?

Still Using Your Loyalty Cards?

Loyalty cards may be fast becoming defunct, but the technologies that caused their demise can help businesses in a different way. It’s hotly debated whether supermarket loyalty cards are actually on the way out, but it's clear businesses are relying on them less and...

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A Mobile Controlled Life

A Mobile Controlled Life

The Internet of Things (IOT) sounds like a magical idea, but is it really a technological solution in search of a problem? All the benefits, the complexity, privacy and security issues involved mean it may appeal only to the tech-savvy. The IOT is simply the concept...

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Here, There and Everywhere

Here, There and Everywhere

People’s locations matter. People like telling the world where they are. And yet too few businesses take notice of their customers' locations. It's easy to get stuck in an old-world style of thinking when it comes to location. Back in the day, all a company had to go...

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Less Cash… More Data

Less Cash… More Data

Now and again, a journalist or filmmaker carries out an experiment where they try to follow a dollar bill or £10 note on its travels from cashpoints to shops to banks and round again. Fascinating as such accounts can be, they are rare simply because of the hassle...

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Data Visualisation

Data Visualisation

In the era of big data, there has never been so much information available – and it's never been so important to find a way to make sense of that data. It's not just a case of choosing an appropriate format but rather of dealing with the fact that data has context. At...

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