Newgrove Blog
Location intelligence for the fashion industry: Why this fresh look is all the rage
Like the industry itself, location intelligence for fashion is moving fast. When you attribute locations to the types of data you already collect, you open up a whole new world of insights that can drive profitability. However, you need to establish a method and...
Billion-dollar businesses built on location intelligence
Billion-dollar businesses require something special, both to reach their size and to keep on growing. Investigate some of the most famous examples, and you will find they all have one thing in common: location intelligence. In this article, we will look at three...
How food vendors can utilise location intelligence in large venues
From fast food restaurants to coffee shops, a range of food vendors can enhance profitability by leveraging location intelligence in large venues. Shopping centers, airports, exhibition centers (and more) provide extensive commercial opportunities for food vendors....
Using location intelligence to enhance retailer delivery services
With eCommerce continuing to grow rapidly, optimising your retailer delivery services has never been more critical, however, understanding the relationship between your locations, distribution network and customers has traditionally demanded vast amounts of time,...
3 things you should consider to fully leverage business data
Leveraging business data to gain more value from the resources you already have is key to the success of any organisation. By ensuring you follow the 3 key steps in this article we can show you how to make the most of your company data: Enrich Gathering data on the...
How can location intelligence keep you in control when franchising a business?
Franchising a business is never easy. The process demands an exceptional amount of insight and a willingness to relinquish a degree of control to your new franchise partners. This model is growing rapidly both in terms of the number of businesses participating and the...
Optimising location planning for healthcare providers 
With location planning for healthcare providers you can ensure your budget stretches as far as feasibly possible.  From the allocation of services to composition of your distribution network, location planning will help you make efficiency savings while ensuring the...
Gym member retention strategies to stem the spring exodus
Gym member retention is never more important than at this time of year. For many of your recent subscribers, the twin drivers of holiday season indulgence and New Year's resolutions have now subsided, and motivation is running low. You need a new strategy to...
How will FOBT crackdown affect betting shop performance and strategy?
The government has been consulting on measures to clamp down on fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBTs) in a move that could severely dent your betting shop performance. Here, we'll take a closer look at the proposed measures and how you can adapt your strategy to...
5 ways to attract Millennials to pubs & bars
Figuring out how to attract Millennials to pubs & bars is a completely different proposition than for previous generations. People born between 1980 and 2000 – commonly referred to as 'Millennials' – have a distinctly different set of interests, motivations and...
Where does customer location data come from?
Customer location data can be used to generate location intelligence and reach out to customers in a whole host of innovative ways. But, where does customer location data come from, and how does the technology work? What technology is needed to gather customer...
Closing locations: should profitability take precedence?
With the high street flagging, new pressures from business rates and waning consumer confidence, many brands have begun closing locations in an attempt to optimise profitability. However, too often companies make this decision based on financial factors alone. Here,...